A Mutual Aid group in one of London’s largest Boroughs made use of Sealr to help in their work supporting vulnerable members of the community.

Volunteers organised the shopping and delivery of groceries and medicines for people who were unable to leave their homes at the height of the pandemic. As a way of ensuring the smooth running of the delivery process with limited human resources, safeguarding the identities of vulnerable individuals and processing monetary transactions securely, Sealr was deployed to be used by volunteers and admin members.

The receipts and the items bought were photographed, before being taken to the recipients house and photographed again on the doorstep.

Once in an area with connectivity, the content is uploaded to the Sealr servers and AI verified.

After verification, a fingerprint for each piece of content is created and stored on the blockchain along with the metadata. This creates an immutable database and digital custody chain.

The content was uploaded to the Sealr servers and AI verified.

After verification, a fingerprint for each piece of content was created and stored on the blockchain along with the metadata. This created an immutable database and digital custody chain

The organisers of the community support programmes were able to see the exact time and locations of the content uploaded to Sealr, and cross check it with the recipients of the deliveries.

The verified and encrypted content uploaded to Sealr gave complete and unquestionable proof of the full process from start to finish. The Mutual Aid Group organisers were able to check that the money was being spent correctly, the system was not being abused and that people were receiving the help and support they needed.

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