During the Covid-19 pandemic, there were many shortages of PPE. Nabatieh in Lebanon was close to running out. Supplies of PPE were vulnerable to disruption and theft.

Sealr was used to document the arrival of PPE deliveries into the country via ports and airports, and it’s subsequent journey to distribution centres then arrival at it’s final destination.

Photographs of the PPE, the delivery vehicles and the barcodes on the packages are all securely stored and encrypted to ensure the images cannot be tampered with.

Once in an area with connectivity, the content is uploaded to the Sealr servers and AI verified.

After verification, a fingerprint for each piece of content is created and stored on the blockchain along with the metadata. This creates an immutable database and digital custody chain.

The content was uploaded to the Sealr servers and AI verified.

After verification, a fingerprint for each piece of content was created and stored on the blockchain along with the metadata. This created an immutable database and digital custody chain

Each image and its metadata (time, date and location) could then be viewed by people remotely monitoring the supply chain of PPE to the areas needing it.

The verified and encrypted content uploaded to Sealr gave complete and unquestionable proof of the full process from start to finish. The organisations providing the PPE were able to view evidence from every step of the delivery supply chain.

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